Finally my 3D printing Kindle book is out!
Go to Amazon now by clicking the following link or button to check it out: 3D Printing for Preparedness | 3D Printing Kindle Book Amazon
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Here are somet things you should know about my new 3D printing kindle book:
What it IS NOT: A super in-depth review of all things 3D printing that will make you a total expert once you are finished reading it.
What it IS: A book to help you understand how you can implement low-cost and open source 3D printing into your preparedness toolkit. It’s meant to be your starting point so that you have a foundation to build on for yourself.
Hopefully it will help you get a “quick-start” to understanding the technology, how others are using it, the limitations of it, where it may be headed in the near future and how YOU can use low-cost 3D printing RIGHT NOW in your own lives!
Here are some of the subjects covered:
- Why you should consider 3D Printing as a Prepper
- Free and low-cost 3D Design Tools
- What you need to get started
- Ready made designs that you can use
I’m just really happy to have it out, to check off of “3D Printing Kindle Book” OFF my project list and hope to bring you much more content like this (without a 2 year timeline…) in the very near future.
Can you help me get the word out?
I really want to spread this knowledge out. It would mean the world to me if you can help me in the following ways so more people can get their hands on low-cost and open source 3D printing to use in their preparedness efforts.
You can help people find out about the book by:
- Share it on social media:
- Read it yourself and write a review on the Amazon product page
- Gift it to people!
Thank YOU!
I want to thank everyone who was involved and helped me work towards gaining the knowledge it took to learn and understand enough to write a low-cost 3D printing kindle book and everyone who contributed to the creation of the book… AND of course HUGE thanks to my family for allowing me to continue spending time working on it!
All feedback is greatly appreciated about my 3D printing kindle book!!! Let me know what you thought about it via social media, commenting below, or just shoot me an email via the contact form.
Here’s the link to Amazon again just in case you missed it: Amazon
Thank you again and have a great day,
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