Wow.. we haven’t heard from Mr. Cody Wilson in a while and I was beginning to wonder if he is hanging out with Snowden, or if he was busy helping Obama with his retirement planning… Anyhow we now have some news coming out of the Defense Distributed compound (looks to be literally “underground” these days) which is again making some headlines: The Ghost Gunner.
The are now taking pre-orders for an open source CNC machine that has been specifically made to help you mill your own AR-15 lower receiver and again have nailed the name of the new OSHW machine: Ghost Gunner .
Ghost Gunner can manufacture any mil-spec 80% AR-15 lower receiver that already has the rear take down well milled out.
What is a CNC?
A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine allows you to automate the milling process using code instead of your two hands. The CNC manufacturing technique is basically the opposite of a 3D Printer. Whereas 3D Printing is Additive Manufacuring, CNC is subtractive manufacturing. Similarly CNC machines also use G-Code to take their instructions, just like a 3D Printer and you also use CAD/CAM programs to create your designs the same way you would with your 3D designs for 3D printing.
So you start with a solid piece of material and cut away from the piece in order to get your desired end piece. With 3D printing your start with nothing but your filament, powder or gel and your piece is created layer by layer until your desired piece is finished. The thing is that metal 3D printing has a long way to go before it is practical for low-cost 3D printing as such the recommended way to go would be to use a CNC machine such as the Ghost Gunner.
Although the controversy surrounding Defense Distributed here may not be as large as when they released the 3D printed gun , it is sure to cause a stir for many people not in the know that these things are being produced all day everyday…. Which is the sucky part because if they start to ban CNC machines or start to make you register your 3D printer we should look to relocate to a different planet.
There are many other FREE open source CNC machines besides the Ghost Gunner out there and even Amazon has CNC products now, but have no fear that the Ghost Gunner is the only option available as I’ve compiled a short list of open source CNC projects below for your to check out:
The topic of open source hardware is something I am very passionate about. In coming posts I’ll be sharing many different types of projects that are open source and allow YOU to use plans, schematics and tools that are FREE to use and improve on for the good of the world and put my take on them about how you can use them in your own daily activities to improve your life and to add to your skill set to grow your self-sufficiency level and of course help with your preparedness efforts.
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video/photos credit: Defense Distributed
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