Earnings Disclaimer
My intent with 3DPrepper.com is not to make money, BUT life isn’t 100% free so in the future I reserve the right to place ads, accept sponsorship’s or other things that will help the site stay alive and if it helps the site grow while spreading the word of Open Source then I think we can all agree it’d be a good thing. I hope that qualifies as a decent disclaimer for now.
I am in the Amazon affiliate program so if there is something that I feel will offer value to you I may provide a link to it on Amazon, which will mean if you click the link and buy the product I will get a teeny-tiny commission. It doesn’t charge you any extra nor make you jump through hoops to get the product, it’s just going to Amazon through a link on my site and breaks me off a little something for getting you to their site to spend your hard-earned monies.
I’m also not discouraging donations either so if you’d like to contribute then I’ll get some options up that will allow you to do that.
I really hope to make this site and the information within acceptable to anyone who wants to learn about open source and low-cost 3D printing, but I know that I can’t please everyone.. I may slip up on dropping an “f-bomb” or some nasty language when going off on a rant about some bureaucratic b.s. or some really irrational new law that comes out. My intent is NOT to offend anyone but I’m sure it will happen, so here’s to the foul-language portion of this disclaimer, cheers.