Look, if somebody in a position of power wants to find more about you and what you’re doing online.. they will.
It’s just too easy in the online environment today to get the info they want on you. You could help yourself more by using a tor, but in the end if somebody wants to know where you are or what you’re up to they can find out. It’s just too easy to plop a cookie down on your device (or use a variety of techniques) and the next thing you know you’ve got a letter in the mail or somebody knocking at your door.
You can use the “private” mode on your browser all you want but people want to know what you’re doing online so they can sell you stuff or just stalk you. I will respect your privacy how I can on this site, but I also want to be realistic and tell you that it is just too easy for “them” to track your online activities. Good luck though 😉
Here’s some links to some info that may help you in your efforts to “remain anonymous” online:
- WikiHow Online Privacy Tips
- What is a Tor? – via The Guardian
- Tor Project